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Digital Transformation、Talent Development、Employee Care

Digital Transformation – HR System:

Introducing a digital HR system to enhance employee development and foster an eco-friendly environment.

■ Employee Development: Automating various tedious daily routine tasks such as payroll calculation, attendance recording, etc., thereby saving time and operational labor costs and increasing work efficiency. Providing convenient employee self-service options such as online leave application submission, remaining leave hours inquiry, salary slip inquiry, etc., enhancing employees' digital participation, and reducing the probability of manual errors in data entry and calculations.

Environmentally Friendly: Reducing the use of paper and storage space, with the HR system estimated to save the company 3-5% of paper usage. Allowing all employees to contribute to environmental conservation.

Talent Development - LU Learning Cloud:

To enhance employees' professional capabilities, meet career development needs, improve work efficiency, adapt to changes, and promote teamwork, the “LU Learning Cloud” has been established. It includes employee learning history, course information platform, learning sharing platform, learning advancement bonus mechanism, etc., thereby bringing higher value and competitiveness to the company and employees.

Employee Care - Vision Massage Powerfully Effective:

Link Upon is committed to providing a work environment that prioritizes the health of all employees. In collaboration with local "New Taipei City Blind Welfare Association," massage services are provided to employees. The average satisfaction survey rating is 4.35 stars (out of 5 stars).

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